Eau Claire County 4-H Shooting Sports Karl Petersen Competitive Shoot Registration Form

Need to change any information about a previous submission? Please email us at ecshootingsports@afkhosting.win.

Must be at least 8 years old to participate.
Must be in 3rd grade or higher to participate.
Please include Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code.
Please describe in as much detail any accommodations you may require during the shoot. Please note that not all accommodations may be possible.

Parent/Guardian (Emergency Contact)

Please check each event you wish to enter

Maximum recommended is five events. Entry Fee is $8.00 per event. Pay by CASH or CHECK ONLY at time of event. For event clarification, see match rules.

Not sure what to sign up for? Air Rifle look here, Archery look here.

Shooting Sports Rules, Waiver, and Code of Conduct

Part A: Eau Claire County 4-H Shooting Sports Waiver Form 2025

Supervision of this program is under the direction of the UW-Extension Service. All participants are responsible for their conduct to UW-Extension personnel, to 4-H leaders, and to other persons supervising this program. I, the undersigned parent or guardian of participant named below recognize the dangers present in Shooting Sports Activities. I believe the Eau Claire County Shooting Sports Leaders and their assistants are dependable and reliable and will provide safe experiences. I understand that during the course of shooting sports trainings, it may be necessary to position my child to demonstrate such topics as proper stance or correct shooting positions. I hereby grant permission for my child to participate in the Shooting Sports Program. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, for example: bodily injury as well as loss of or damage to property. I understand as the parent/guardian signing this form that I will be held financially responsible for any expenses above and beyond what the 4-H insurance will pay. I assume all risks involved while using equipment supplied in this program. Participants are responsible for their own equipment. I authorize the use of photographs or videos of my child while participating in the shooting sports programs for educational or media purposes. This is to certify as parent/guardian of this participant, I do consent to his/her release of the 4-H volunteers and staff, UW-Extension, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire County and the National Archery Association from any and all liabilities to his/her involvement in the 4-H Shooting Sports Program.

Part B: Eau Claire County 4-H Shooting Sports Code of Conduct 2025

As a participant you have the responsibility of representing the Eau Claire County 4-H Program to the public, so you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that will bring honor to you and your family, as well as to 4-H. To do that you will need to:

  1. Attend all sessions in the planned program or notify a leader if you are unable to attend.
  2. Follow hours, room rules, and range rules. You are responsible for knowing the rules.
  3. Use good judgment in selecting clothing appropriate to the occasion and weather.
  4. Use language and manners that will bring respect to you and Eau Claire County 4-H.
  5. Be in the assigned program area at all times.
  6. Know that the use of alcohol, tobacco, and non-prescribed drugs is illegal and prohibited at all events. Inform an adult leader of the use of prescription medications.
  7. Show courtesy and respect for all other people. Demonstrate good sportsmanship.
  8. Treat program areas, lodging areas, and vehicles with respect and care. You will be responsible for any damage, theft, or misconduct in which you participate.
  9. Help other members in your group have a pleasant experience by making every attempt to include all participants in activities.
  10. Live up to your highest expectations for yourself so you can return home proud of whom you are and what you have done.

Those who find themselves unable to conduct themselves within the guidelines listed above may expect:

  1. To explain their actions to the adults in charge.
  2. To accept consequences of their actions.
  3. To have adults in charge work closely with parents/guardians, Extension personnel, and others to see that actions taken, in case of unacceptable behavior, are appropriate and logical consequences for all concerned.
  4. The possibility of losing the opportunity to participate in future 4-H events/activities.

I have read the Eau Claire County Shooting Sports Code of Conduct and agree to live up to the expectations. I realize my failure to do so could result in a loss of privileges during the event and/or in the future. I will support the adults in charge in the performance of their responsibilities to see that the appropriate behavior is maintained.

Part C: Eau Claire County 4H Shooting Sports Permission Statement 2025

I hereby give permission for my child to be involved in the 2024 Eau Claire County Shooting Sports Program. I understand that my child will be working around and shooting with live ammunition and/or arrows. I give permission for pictures of my child to be taken to be used for publicity of Wisconsin 4-h Shooting Sports and for educational purposes. I release the University of Wisconsin-extension, its employees and volunteer 4-H leader(s) from any financial responsibility for sickness/accident to my child(ren) while in transit to or from and in attendance at any of the shooting sports meetings practices, or events. I hereby authorize the event's responsible person to incur expense considered necessary to insure prompt attention in case of serious sickness/accident. I agree to pay for necessary expenses incurred, if this is not covered by an accident/sickness insurance policy. I understand that I/we must provide adequate eye protection for my child(ren) with safety glasses that are Z78 certified by OSHA standards. I also understand that during the course of shooting sports training, it may be necessary to touch or position my child to demonstrate such topics as live firing, shooting positions, correct stance, different carries, and basic gun handling. Additionally, I hereby give consent to the official in charge to use reasonable disciplinary action with my child(ren) while in a shooting sports activity.

By typing your name in the box below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the forms above. This includes the Eau Claire County 4-H Shooting Sports Waiver Form, Code of Conduct, and Permission Statement. By providing your electronic signature, you acknowledge that it is legally equivalent to your manual signature and can be used for all purposes related to these documents.
By typing your name in the box below, you agree to the terms and conditions of the forms above. This includes the Eau Claire County 4-H Shooting Sports Waiver Form, Code of Conduct, and Permission Statement. By providing your electronic signature, you acknowledge that it is legally equivalent to your manual signature and can be used for all purposes related to these documents.

Additional questions or concerns?
Contact us